Original Art to Buy
Original paintings gallery. This includes sold and archived works and available paintings. Individual details are beneath each work. Prices do not include shipping and unless stated otherwise do not include frame or hanging fixtures. Please make sure that when purchasing work you have measured your space correctly as this will avoid disappointment. If you have any questions regarding individual works please contact us here at hello@rebeccafindlay.com . We will be happy to help.
Hope, Acrylic on Canvas texture paper , 16.5 x 11.7”
Inspired by Emmanuel Keller’s original photography. The cheetah’s backdrop was altered to resemble that of a setting sun because I wanted to create a visual reminder of the fragility of our natural world and the urgency to protect endangered species. The fading light of the sun is emblematic in a way of the fading hope for the cheetah’s future. However, the painting is one of hope because we still have time to safeguard the beautiful animals with whom we share the planet. Exhibited at Exhibition Wildlife Art and featured in Wild Heart Gallery’s Masters of Wildlife Art 2023 International Juried Art Exhibition Best in Category for Painting
£750 SOLD
Underdog, Acrylic & tea on Canvas texture paper , 11.7 x 16.5”
This strong, impactful artwork was inspired by the African Painted Dog, with the red, more expressive marks being indicative of the amount of bloodshed that is happening leading to their endangered status. For example, with human traps, diseases, and road accidents, as people occupy the Painted Dog’s habitat. As featured in Wild Heart Gallery’s first Annual Animal Portraiture Online Exhibition- Best Wild Animal Portrait & Overall Runner Up
Bird of Peace, Acrylic on box canvas, 25.4 x 25.4 x 4.5 cm Painting featuring a lilac-breasted roller inspired by original photography from wildlifereferencephotosforartists.
£395 SOLD
Forest Secret , Acrylic on canvas effect paper, 16.5x 11.7” . Painting featuring a clouded leopard inspired by original photography by Cloudtailthesnowleopard. Painting features a wonderful sense of movement and dramatic light / pose. Recipient of a Special Merit Award in Art & Color 365 Animal Art 2024 Competition & Category Winner for Into the Wild Category in Association of Animal Artists Autumn 2024 exhibition.

Aura , Acrylic on canvas texture paper. 11.7 x 16.5” . Ethereal painting featuring a Sumatran tigress inspired by original photography by Joey Meijer @wildlife reference photos. The tiger has a very serene, calming presence amplified by the surrounding Turquoise/ green aura. As featured in Wild Heart Gallery’s Masters of Wildlife Art 2023 Juried International Art Exhibition, ‘Overall Honourable Mention’
Exhibited at Exhibition Wildlife Art
Vulnerability in Strength, Acrylic & watercolour pencil on Watercolour paper ,”11.7 x 16.5”
This artwork was selected as a Sketch for Survival Wildlife 100 Finalist artwork and exhibited at Dundas Street Gallery, Edinburgh and OXO Gallery, Southbank London. It was auctioned in November to raise funds for Explorers Against Extinction projects.
Pastel Mountains, 2019, Pastel on Pastel Paper, 21.0 x 29.7 cm, £125 SOLD
Inspired by local viewpoint
Summer Fox, 2022, Acrylic and mixed media on flat canvas panel, 40 x 40 cm
Inspired by the colours and feelings of Summer. This piece incorporates paper colllage elements and there is also use of gold paint which gives a magical ‘sparkle’ effect when it catches the light. On a personal level, this piece was created during a time of unbalance in the artist’s life. The fox’s gaze provides a focus point with the intention of steadying and absorbing the viewer.
£395 SOLD (with art for rhinos 10% donation to the uMkhuze Game Reserve). For more information about the reserve: @savetherhinointernational @ezemvelokznwildlife
Before the Flight, 2022, Acrylic on flat canvas panel, 40 x 40 cm,
Not currently for sale
This vibrant, playful piece uses intuitive and expressive colour and mark making to create a work with lots of energy that will make real impact wherever it is placed. It’s all about the excitement (and fear) we feel before making a bold move or following a new direction in our life and making that leap into the unknown.

Another Beauty II, 2021, Oil & Acrylic on Hand Stretched Box Canvas, 81.2 x 81.7 X 3.7 cm, £1250
This piece was inspired by the colours of the beautiful blue throated Macaw which is an endangered species and hunted for its feathers in its native Bolivia.
Flamingoes, 2014, Oil & Acrylic on Hand Stretched Box Canvas, 100x120cm, £1000 SOLD
Inspired by artist’s own images of Lake Natron- a salt lake in the north Ngorongoro District of the Arusha Region in Tanzania.
A New Strength, 2022, Acrylic & Watercolour Pencil on Watercolour Paper, 29.7 x 42 cm, £450 SOLD
The initial inspiration for this piece was the mix of vulnerability and strength in the tiger’s gaze. So often we think of a tiger in terms of strength but they are of course endangered. This work has very special meaning for the artist as it was painting during a very personally challenging time. The painting became a symbol of determination. We can still be strong whilst possessing qualities that make us vulnerable.